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Enhanced Operating Systems Ltd holds Microsoft Certified Gold Partnership status and have continued to do so since 2004. This gives you the safeguard of knowing that we are experienced in dealing with all the software that you use on a day to day basis and that you can guarantee that our advice comes from a knowledgeable background. Also, this ensures that MoveMan is developed on the latest software and kept up to date.

Enhanced Operating Systems holds the accreditation of being a Sage Line 50 developer and has remained since 2001. This allows MoveMan to link directly into Sage Line 50 and exchange data between the two programs. Without being a registered developer, EOS could not claim to link directly with Sage products. We also get access to all the new releases before they are available to companies so that we can ensure our products are fully compliant with the latest Sage software.
Bespoke Software Development
Application and middle-ware development on a variety of platforms
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